ETHICAL AND LEGAL ASPECTS OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES AND VACCINATION Part 3. Ethical principals of eradication of infectious diseases

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Abstract. The current article develops the conception of previous publications on ethical, legal and social aspects of the infectious diseases. Special aspect of this article is the fact, that in its frame the results of multidisciplinary analysis of the eradication of infectious disease (poliomyelitis) are presented for the first time. Such manysided investigation of the problem of the eradication of infectious disease was based on the complex use of bioethical, epidemiological, virological and socio-normative criteria that gave the opportunity to discover the ethical features and demonstrate the great value of ethical principals for the strategy of infectious diseases eradication. 

About the authors

O. I. Kubar

Saint Petersburg Pasteur Institute

Author for correspondence.

PhD, MD (Medicine), Leading Research Associate, Laboratory of Etiology and Control of Viral Infections, St. Petersburg Pasteur Institute; Member of the Russian Bioethics Committee at the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO; Member and Vice-Chair of International Bioethics Committee (IBC) UNESCO

197101, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Mira str., 14


Russian Federation

M. A. Bichurina

Saint Petersburg Pasteur Institute

PhD, MD (Medicine), Chief, Laboratory of Etiology and Control of Viral Infections, Head of WHO Subnational Polio Laboratory Russian Federation

N. I. Romanenkova

Saint Petersburg Pasteur Institute

PhD, Leading Research Associate, Laboratory of Etiology and Control of Viral Infections, Expert-virologist of WHO Subnational Polio Laboratory Russian Federation

A. G. Asatrian

Saint Petersburg Pasteur Institute

General Medical Manager Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2014 Kubar O.I., Bichurina M.A., Romanenkova N.I., Asatrian A.G.

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