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The purpose of the research was to assess the endogenous intoxication degree and reactivity condition of an organism by calculation the blood leukocyte indexes and their influence assessment for the outcome of first time diagnosed infiltrative lung tuberculosis for the revealed socially safe patients. Case-records of 260 patients were analysed retrospectively. Inclusion criteria were: first time diagnosed and confirmed diagnosis of infiltrative lungs tuberculosis; age at least 18 years; socially adopted patients (the patients taking official or informal work place), the constant income in a family, a residence, a registration. Exception criteria were: extra pulmonary or other forms of lung tuberculosis at the patient; existence of a serious somatic illness; HIV infection; existence of malignant new growths; mental diseases; the social disadaptation (homeless persons who aren’t working, released from jails or being under examination, abusing alcohol in the form of hard drinkings and accepting drugs). All patients included in research were divided into two groups: first (main) — patients with a failure in quantity the 66, second (group of comparison) — patients with a favourable outcome of infiltrative tuberculosis of lungs, in number of 194. Failure criterion was the existence (preservation) of a disintegration lung cavity confirmed by the last X-ray picture. According patients blood test results the intoxication leukocyte index (ILI, with Kalf-Kalif formula), an blood leukocytes shift index (BLSI), an organism resistance index (ORI), a Dashtayants nuclear index was carried out. Followly the Spirmen correlation analysis with Statistica 6.0 software package was estimated. As a result of research the following data were obtained. The Dashtayants nuclear index high level at primary blood test has the strongest impact on development of infiltrative lungs tuberculosis failure in patients; the ILI and BLSI high levels at the time of the beginning of therapy have moderate negative impact. The ORI low level at the time of an treatment initiation had weak positive impact on development of a failure of tuberculosis, and weak negative — rendered the LII high level after the first month of treatment and high BLSI in 2 months of intensive treatment in a hospital. The complex assessment of integrated indexes of blood allows judging objectively weight of a condition of the patient, need and duration of desintoxication therapy that influences an outcome of the main disease. 

About the authors

A. V. Mordyk

644050, Russian Federation, Omsk, Himikov str., 8A, Omsk State Medical University.

Author for correspondence.

PhD, MD (Medicine), Associate Professor, Head of Phthisiology and Phthisiosurgery Department, Omsk State Medical University, Omsk, Russian Federation;

Russian Federation

L. V. Puzyreva

644050, Russian Federation, Omsk, Himikov str., 8A, Omsk State Medical University.


PhD (Medicine), Assistant Professor, Phthisiology and Phthisiosurgery Department, Omsk State Medical University, Omsk, Russian Federation; 

Russian Federation

T. L. Batishcheva

644050, Russian Federation, Omsk, Himikov str., 8A, Omsk State Medical University.


PhD Candidate, Phthisiology and Phthisiosurgery Department, Omsk State Medical University, Omsk, Russian Federation. 

Russian Federation


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